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A Fast Number Theoretic Finite Radon Transform - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A Fast Number Theoretic Finite Radon Transform



This paper presents a new fast method to map between images and their digital projections based on the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) and the Finite Radon Transform (FRT). The FRT is a Discrete Radon Transform (DRT) defined on the same finite geometry as the Finite or Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Consequently, it may be inverted directly and exactly via the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) without any interpolation or filtering [F. Matus and J. Flusser (1993)]. As with the FFT, the FRT can be adapted to square images of arbitrary sizes such as dyadic images, prime-adic images and arbitrary-sized images. However, its simplest form is that of prime-sized images [T. Hsung, D. Lun, and W. C. Siu (1996)]. The FRT also preserves the discrete versions of both the Fourier Slice Theorem (FST) and Convolution Property of the Radon Transform (RT). The NTT is also defined on the same geometry as the DFT and preserves the Circular Convolution Property (CCP) of the DFT [J. M. Pollard (1971) and C. Rader (1972)]. This paper shows that the Slice Theorem is also valid within the NTT and that it can be utilized as a new exact, integer-only and fast inversion scheme for the FRT, with the same computational complexity as the FFT. Digital convolutions and exact digital filtering of projections can also be performed using this Number Theoretic FRT (NFRT).

Achieving EMC compliance by design - case study of fixed remote station in corDECT WLL system | seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Achieving EMC compliance by design - case study of fixed remote station in corDECT WLL system 



Telecommunication has an important role in society enabling effective voice & data communication between people across the globe. EMC compliance is mandatory and vital for telecom products. This paper deals with the efforts put in during the design & development and EMC testing of such a telecom product - Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) system to comply to International standards like ETSI, IEC & CISPR and National standards like TEC. This paper also highlights the advantages of incorporating EMC design rules in early stage of design, due to flexibility in choosing of components like filters, shields and protective devices to achieve cost-effective solution and avoiding field modification. A case study of telecom product, viz., (FRS) Fixed Remote Station of Wireless Local Loop (WLL) subsystem, used in subscriber premises for voice telephony and Internet connectivity is taken up for elucidating EMI problems encountered during the EMC certification process and the measures taken to mitigate the same. The experience gained during this FRS EMC compliance certification of the corDECT system will substantially reduce the cycle time in future products with better design margin. Emission and susceptibility requirements from Standard Institutes to meet the Regulatory Authorities are also outlined


A uniform laser energy control for ceramic sintering rapid prototyping - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A uniform laser energy control for ceramic sintering rapid prototyping


The rapid-prototyping has become popular nowadays as the lifecycles of commercial and consumer products have been shorten to years or even months. The rapid prototyping technology provides a modern way to review the rapid change of the product has forced the designers and manufacturers to make new designs, jigs, tools, and molds for the products. Unlike the traditional machining of cutting material, the rapid prototyping utilize technologies, such as etching, laser, etc., to form the shapes of designed articles within limited time and cost. As cutting-through is prohibited, means to control the machining are required and important to the success of prototyping. This study has focused on the laser energy control for the ceramic rapid prototyping, which will sinter the ceramic powders into a solid object. A uniform laser energy controller is developed to improve the quality of the ceramic working piece. The developed method has been implemented and tested on a MCU and FPGA controller to demonstrate its applicability to ceramic sintering rapid prototyping.

A Tempest Fiber Optic Local Area Network Seminar Topic - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A Tempest Fiber Optic Local Area Network


Local Area Networks (LANs) are coming to the forefront in data communications for both commercial as well as military applications. This thrust has resulted from the requirement to provide communications and resource sharing between dispersed users of computers and/or workstations. For many government/military applications, security is a key aspect. This paper describes a recently developed TEMPEST LAN which utilizes optical fiber as the communications medium along with LAN transceivers and communication servers designed to meet TEMPEST requirements. The LAN operates at 10 Mb/s using the Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 Standards.


Delay tolerant networking Free Seminar Topic - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Delay tolerant networking 



Delay tolerant networking (DTN) is a new store-and-forward architecture and protocol suite for the networks which is intermittent connectivity. Depending on the nodes ability of store and forward, the messages are delivered to their destination with the proper choice of routing protocol by nodes' mobility. In order to successful delivery, many routing protocols use multiply copies methods. Although the messages are transferred to the destination, the redundant of messages copies increase much. These routing protocols are not appropriate for energyconstrained and bandwidth-constrained applications such as the wireless networks. In many resource-constrained mobile wireless DTN networks, single copy routing schemes should be used suitably. This paper presents a new routing scheme of single-copy based on the DTN connectivity graph and the corresponding greedy tree. The nodes choose the next intermediate node to transmit the message by comparing the location of nodes in the greedy tree. We show that delivery ratio is increased significantly by using our scheme in the single-copy routing

A methodology for architecture-oriented rapid prototyping - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A methodology for architecture-oriented rapid prototyping


A methodology for architecture-oriented rapid prototyping is presented. In the very early development phases, concept-oriented rapid prototyping is used to clarify the requirements between the customer and the contractor. In the second, more complex phase of rapid prototyping, the architecture of the target system is used. So this kind of rapid prototyping is called “architecture-oriented rapid prototyping”. Most electronic control units (ECUs) use microcontrollers with plenty of on-chip peripherals. Sometimes, application-specific microcontrollers with non-standard peripherals are used, but then, all of these peripheral components must be present in the rapid prototyping system. To obtain this, we developed an interface module with an FPGA for the peripheral parts of microcontroller-based designs, as well as a prototyping ECU which can be programmed with CASE tools


A human-computer interface for a multi-sensor surveillance environment - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A human-computer interface for a multi-sensor surveillance environment


Presents a human-computer interface for a multi-sensor surveillance systems capable of adapting to the human's changing performance with time. The interface's algorithm works as follows. As the human performs tasks, his performance is measured and this knowledge is integrated together with the estimated task arrival and service rates. An optimal task allocation, based on the current human and system performances, is chosen which then determines which tasks are allocated to the human and to the computer respectively. The algorithm was tested within a human controlled surveillance system. Results showed that the use of the interface enhanced the human's performance during periods of high mental workload


A decision making human-computer interface - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A decision making human-computer interface


A decision-making human-computer interface capable of adapting to the human's changing performance with time is presented. The interface's components are identified, and a suitable theoretical framework for each component is discussed. The interface's algorithm is based on the following interaction of the components. As the human performs tasks, his or her performance is measured and this knowledge is integrated with the estimated task arrival and service rates. An optimal task allocation that determines which tasks are allocated to the human and to the computer is then chosen on the basis of the current human and system performance. The algorithm was tested in a human-controlled surveillance system. Results showed that the use of the interface enhanced the human's performance during periods of high mental workload


A decision making human-computer interface - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

A decision making human-computer interface


A decision-making human-computer interface capable of adapting to the human's changing performance with time is presented. The interface's components are identified, and a suitable theoretical framework for each component is discussed. The interface's algorithm is based on the following interaction of the components. As the human performs tasks, his or her performance is measured and this knowledge is integrated with the estimated task arrival and service rates. An optimal task allocation that determines which tasks are allocated to the human and to the computer is then chosen on the basis of the current human and system performance. The algorithm was tested in a human-controlled surveillance system. Results showed that the use of the interface enhanced the human's performance during periods of high mental workload


Load Balancing in Parallel Computers - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


A parallel compute is a collection of processing elements that communicate and cooperate to solve large problems efficiently.
Parallel computers vary in two fundamental architecture facets, (i) Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) Vs Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD) and (ii) Shared memory Vs Distributed memory. A parallel computer with a logically shared memory system provides a single global address space to all processors, and hence a shared programming paradigm to the users. Such systems ae referred as distributed shared memory (DSM) machines.

Load balancing on DSM machines is a challenging task, even though the shared global address space may be used as a common pool for work-loads awaiting as in centralized memory systems. Accessing remote memory banks are very expensive, an appropriate distribution of work-loads across physically distributed memories helps reduce such costly remote access.

Creating parallel programs involves first decomposing the overall computation into tasks and then assigning the tasks to the processors, this step is also called as partitioning. The optimization objective for partitioning is to balance the work-load among processors and to minimize the inter process communication needs. The number of processes generated by the partitioning step may not be equal to the processors, thus a processor may be idle or loaded with multiple processes. The primary optimization objective of mapping is to balance the workload of processors and to minimize the inter-processor communication cost. Collectively, the problem of load balancing is to develop partitioning and mapping algorithm for the purpose of achieving their respective optimization objectives.

Load balancing algorithms can be broadly categorized as static or dynamic. Static load balancing algorithms distribute the processes to processors at compile time, while dynamic algorithms bind processes to processors at run time. Static load balancing algorithms rely on the estimate execution times of the processes and inter-process communication requirement. It is not satisfactory for parallel programs that are of the dynamic and/or unpredictable kind. Consequently in dynamic load balancing, processes are generated and destroyed without a pattern at run time. A dynamic load balancing algorithm consists of four components, Load Measurement rule, an Information Exchange rule, an Initiation rule and a Load Balancing Operation.

Digital Watermarking Applications and Advantages - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Digital Watermarking Applications and Advantages




Digital watermarking is defined as the imperceptibly altering a work in order to embed information about that work. In the recent years copyright protection of digital content became a serious problem due to rapid development in technology. Watermarking is one of the alternatives to copyright-protection problem.

Digital watermarking can be classified as visible and invisible. The visible watermarks are viewable to the normal eye such as bills, company logos and television channel logos etc. This type of watermarks is easily viewable without any mathematical calculation but these embedded watermarks can be destroyed easily. In the case of invisible watermarks, the locations in which the watermark is embedded are secret, only the authorized persons extract the watermark. Some mathematical calculations are required to retrieve the watermark. This kind of watermarks is not viewable by an ordinary eye. Invisible watermarks are more secure and robust than visible watermarks.

The main characteristics of Digital watermark are:
Robustness: The watermark should be able to withstand after normal signal processing operations such as image cropping, transformation, compression etc.
Imperceptibility: The watermarked image should look like same as the original image to the normal eye. The viewer cannot detect that watermark is embedded in it.
Security: An unauthorized person cannot detect, retrieve or modify the embedded watermark.

Depending on the ability of the watermark to withstand normal signal processing operations, digital watermarking can be categorized as robust, fragile and semi-fragile watermarking. Robust watermarks are detectable even after some image processing operations has been performed on the watermarked image such as image scaling, bending, cropping, and so on. Robust watermarks are mainly used for copyright protection. Fragile watermarks became invalid even if a slight modification is done to the watermarked image. Fragile watermarks are mainly used for authentication purpose. Semi-fragile watermarks allow some acceptable distortion to the watermarked image. Beyond this acceptance level if any modification is done to the watermarked image, the watermark will not be detected.

Information or Data Visualizing Techniques - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Information or Data Visualizing Techniques


Visualization is the graphical presentation of information, with the goal of providing the viewer with a qualitative understanding of the information contents. Information can be in any form, like data, processes, relations, or concepts. Graphical presentation may entail manipulation of graphical entities (points, lines, shapes, images, text) and attributes (color, size, position, shape). Understanding of information involves detection, measurement, and comparison. It can be further enhanced via interactive techniques and providing the information from multiple views and with multiple techniques.

One of the active research and challenging task is representing and making sense of multidimensional data, partially due to the three- dimensional space we live in. Visualization techniques are powerful sense-making tools that support knowledge workers in their decision-making activities by stimulating visual thinking. While most of the scientific, engineering, and business data is multi-dimensional; i.e. datasets contain typically more than three attributes of data.

Characteristics of Data:

    * Numeric, symbolic (or mix)
    * Scalar, vector, or complex structure
    * Various units
    * Discrete or continuous
    * Spatial, quantity, category, temporal, relational, structural
    * Accurate or approximate
    * Dense or sparse
    * Ordered or non-ordered
    * Disjoint or overlapping
    * Binary, enumerated, multilevel
    * Independent or dependent
    * Multidimensional
    * Single or multiple sets
    * May have similarity or distance metric
    * May have intuitive graphical representation (e.g. temperature with color)
    * Has semantics which may be crucial in graphical consideration

The purpose of information visualization is the insights into data that it provides. Diversity analysis has got a great significance in economic and other branches of social science. Visualizing the Diversity Analysis gives significant importance in identifying the profitability of the commodities as well as the countries. The concentration measures such as entropy and Herfinahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) gives the significant results in identifying the Diversity nature of the countries as well as the commodities. We visualized the commodity export data along with the Concentration Measures using star coordinates.

Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


As we all of us have experienced the advent of Voice over IP (VoIP) has given a new dimension to Internet and opened a host of new possibilities and opportunities for both corporate and public network planners. Many companies are seeing the value of transporting voice over IP networks to reduce telephone and facsimile costs.

Voice over Internet Protocol (also called IP Telephony, Internet telephony, and Digital Phone) – is the routing of voice conversations over the Internet or any other IP-based network. It was important to deal with challenges like interoperability, packet loss, delay, density, scalability, and reliability while adding voice to packet networks. The basic protocols being used at the network and transport layer have remained unchanged. This calls for the definition of new protocols, which can be used in addition with the existing protocols.

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) is result of extensive research to meet the growing demands of industry and a common user. RTP usually used in conjunction with the RTP Control Protocol (RTCP). While RTP carries the media streams (e.g., audio and video) or out-of-band events signaling (DTMF in separate payload type), RTCP is used to monitor transmission statistics and quality of service (QoS) information. When both protocols are used in conjunction, RTP is usually originated and received on even port numbers, whereas RTCP uses the next higher odd port number.

For further information use the following recourses and comment if you have any questions or suggestions.

10 Gigabit Ethernet - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


The 10 gigabit Ethernet (10GE or 10GbE or 10 GigE) computer networking standard was first published in 2002. It defines a version of Ethernet with a nominal data rate of 10 Gbit/s (billion bits per second), ten times as fast as gigabit Ethernet.

10 gigabit Ethernet defines only full duplex links which are generally connected by network switches. Half duplex operation and CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detection) do not exist in 10GbE.

The 10 gigabit Ethernet standard encompasses a number of different physical layer (PHY) standards. However a networking device may support different PHY types by means of pluggable PHY modules and over time market forces narrow products to a few popular choices.
At the time that the 10 gigabit Ethernet standard was developed, interest in 10GbE as a wide area network (WAN) transport led to the introduction of a WAN PHY for 10GbE. This operates at a slightly slower data-rate than the local area network (LAN) PHY and adds some extra encapsulation. Both share the same Physical Medium Dependent sublayers so can use the same optics. Over time, the local area options became more popular.
From 2007 when only 1 million ports were shipped, 10 gigabit Ethernet deployments rose quickly to 124 million ports shipped in 2009. Other reports indicate the number of switch ports was slightly greater than two million ports in 2009.

Security in Mobile Database Systems - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


The importance of databases in modern businesses and governmental institutions is huge and still growing. Many mission-critical applications and business processes rely on databases. These databases contain data of different degree of importance and confidentiality, and are accessed by a wide variety of users. Integrity violations for a database can have serious impact on business processes; disclosure of confidential data in some cases has the same effect. Traditional database security provides techniques and strategies to handle such problems with respect to database servers in a non-mobile context.

For many businesses applications are going mobile that means using enterprise data in a mobile context, thus using a mobile DBMS. With these new developments the business data of an enterprise can be made available to an even larger number of users and a wider range of applications than before.

To work on business data anytime and anywhere is the major goal pursued by developing mobility support in database context. The confidentiality of mission- critical data must be ensured, even though most mobile devices do not provide a secure environment for storage of such data.
Security requirements that apply to a central company database should apply similarly and in an appropriate manner to the parts of the database replicated on mobile devices in the field. A mobile database security infrastructure is needed to accomplish this goal. When developing such an infrastructure we can benefit from the results of traditional database security work. But we also need to adapt the existing techniques and strategies to the mobile context, and we need to develop new ones that attack certain issues specific to use of database systems in a mobile environment.

Radio Network Controller for 3G mobile and wireless network devices - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


The Radio Network Controller (or RNC) is a governing element in the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System UMTS radio access network (UTRAN), which is responsible for control the Node Bs that are connected to it. Node B is a term used in UMTS to denote the BTS (base transceiver station). Usually the latest cell phones or mobile phones support 3G network allow access to TV, Internet and other on demand services like Navigation and scheduling systems. This is being developed to support the ever increasing need to mobile phones network users. This also an active area of research which may lead to digital convergence.

The functionality of the controller includes controlling and managing the radio transceivers in the Node B equipment, as well as management tasks like soft handoff. The main functions of the RNC are management of radio channels and the terrestrial channels. Radio Resource Management functionality includes Outer Loop Power Control, Load control, Admission Control, Packet scheduling, Handover control, Macrodiversity combining, Security functions and Mobility Management.

The RNC performs tasks in a 3G wireless network analogous to those of the Base Station Controller (BSC) in a 2G or 2.5G network. It interfaces with GPRS Service Nodes (SGSNs) and Gateways (GGSNs) to mediate with the network service providers. The connection from the RNC to a Node B is called the User Plane Interface Layer and it uses T1/E1 transport to the RNC.

Due to the large number of Node B transceivers, a T1/E1 aggregator is used to deliver the Node B data over channelized OC-3 optical transport to the RNC. The OC-3 pipe can be a direct connection to the RNC or through traditional SONET/SDH transmission networks. A typical RNC can be built on a PICMG or Advanced TCA chassis. It contains several different kinds of cards specialized for performing the functions and interacting with the various interfaces of the RNC.

Next Generation Protocol (IPv6) - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science



One of the greatest revolutionary innovations of the twentieth century is Internet. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private and public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies.

Rapidly, there is a dramatic change in the way we communicate, do business, educate ourselves and entertain ourselves. Perhaps even the architects of Internet would not have foreseen the tremendous growth rate of the network being witnessed today. It made the ‘global village utopia ‘ a reality in a rather short span of time.

Using the internet it is easy for the people to exchange ideas, resources and information. Likewise there are millions of users to the Internet and the drawback of the Internet is that it cannot adequately support many services being imagined, such as interconnection of gigabit networks with lower bandwidths, high security applications and interactive virtual reality applications.

A more serious problem with today’s Internet is that it can interconnect a maximum of four billion systems only, which is a small number as compared to the projected systems on the Internet in the twenty-first century.

As IPv4 support 32 bit address, which is given to each machine on the net and unique. With 32 bits, a maximum of about four billion addresses are possible. Even though this is a large number, but the latest trends of accessing Internet from mobile phones, TV sets, and even pizza machines will lead to the shortage of addressing bits. Since each of them must have an IP address, this number becomes too small.
The revision of IPv4 “Internet Protocol version 4” was taken up mainly to resolve the address problem, but in the course of refinements, several other features were also added to make it suitable for the next generation Internet. This refined version was initially named IPng “IP next generation” and is now officially known as IPv6.

IPv6 supports 128-bit addresses

Wireless Network Devices and digital convergence seminar title - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Wireless Network Devices and digital convergence

 I am suggesting next Topic for  research and seminar   Wireless Network Devices and digital convergence .This good topic for both  one.It have many scope for research .You can find more resource and you can present seminar.That will use full for all researchers and other people.We are adding short abstraction of this topic


The wireless network digital electronic device includes a television signal receiver, a decoder, a processor, and a wireless network signal transceiver. The television signal receiver receives the television broadcasting signals, the decoder decodes the signals, and the processor encodes the decoded signals into wireless network signals. Subsequently, the wireless network signals are transmitted to the display device using the wireless network signal transceiver.

The proliferation of mobile computing devices including laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) and wearable computers has created a demand for wireless personal area networks (PANs). PANs allow proximal devices to share information and resources. The mobile nature of these devices places unique requirements on PANs, such as low power consumption, frequent make-and-break connections, resource discovery and utilization, and international regulations.

Communication demands compatibility, which is challenging in a heterogeneous marketplace. Yet by establishing and implementing compatible systems, manufacturers can offer more powerful and useful devices to their customers. Since these are, after all, digital devices living in a programmed digital world, compatibility and interoperation are possible.

The future of digital era exists in a digital convergence where every device interacts with other devises to make decisions and help human being in their daily life. A TV will interact with Phone and watch to display programs related to human interest and mod. A refrigerator will inform the about the milk when an owner is passing by a super market, and many more examples can be realized in near future. A great research is being carried out in this area and it can be realized with the presence of may conferences and research papers coming everyday.

For details please refer the following recources

wireless router

setting up a wireless network

wireless networking device

wireless networking

wireless network adapter

wireless internet network

wireless networks

securewireless network

digital convergence

wireless network devices


Multicasting in Ad Hoc Networks :Seminar title - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

       Multicasting in Ad Hoc Networks

My next seminar title is  multicasting in ad Hoc Networks .It is very important networking topic . this topic which can be used to research and seminar.


MANETs are useful in many application environments and do not need any infrastructure support. Collaborative computing and communications in smaller areas (buildings, organizations, conferences, etc.) can be set up using MANETs.
Communications in battlefields and disaster recovery areas are other examples of application environments. Similarly communications using a network of sensors, and inter-island communications using floats over water are other potential applications of MANETs. The increasing use of collaborative applications and wireless devices may further add to the needs and usages of MANETs. Many of these potential applications of MANETs involve point-to-multipoint communication, and thus would benefit from multicasting support in the network layer.

IP multicasting – is an extension to Internet architecture to support multiple clients at network layer. The fundamental motivation behind IP multicasting is to save network and bandwidth resource via transmitting a single copy of data to reach multiple receivers simultaneously.

What makes ad hoc multicasting distinguished from Internet multicasting is that mobile nodes could move around freely and rapidly.

Ad hoc multicasting protocols in existing literature have either evolved from the Internet multicast protocol, or designed specifically for ad hoc networks. Most of these protocols attempt to adapt to the network dynamics in ad hoc networks. The primary goal of ad hoc multicasting protocols should be to construct/maintain a robust & efficient multicasting route even during high network dynamics.
Multicasting techniques in MANETs can be classified based on group dynamics or network dynamics.

A primary issue for managing multicast group dynamics is the routing path that is built for data forwarding. Most existing ad hoc multicasting protocols can be classified as tree-based or mesh-based.

In a tree-based protocol, a tree-like data forwarding path is built with the root at the source of the multicast session. In a mesh-based protocol, in contrast, multiple routes may exist between any pair of source and destination, which is intended to enrich the connectivity among group members for better resilience against topology changes.

A major source of network dynamics is node mobility and node failure

Reliance on More Nodes

Reliance on Fewer Nodes

Reliance on No Nodes

Reliance on Stable Nodes

Reliance on an Overlay Layer



More topic 


ad hoc networks

mobile ad hoc networking

ad hoc networking

access networks

adhoc networking



Free seminar topic : Routing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

    Routing In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

                    My next seminar topic suggestion is Routing in mobile ad Hoc networks.It is a good seminar topic.If you can research with this  topic.The routing is important on in network .We are adding complete Research and seminar topics only.Each topic we can  do research and seminar.


Developing support for routing is one of the most significant challenges in ad hoc networks and is critical for the basic network operations. Certain unique combinations of characteristics make routing in ad hoc networks interesting.

First, nodes in an ad hoc network are allowed to move in an uncontrolled manner. Such node mobility results in a highly dynamic network with rapid topological changes causing frequent route failures. A good routing protocol for this network environment has to dynamically adapt to the changing network topology.

Second, the underlying wireless channel provides much lower and more variable bandwidth than wired networks. The wireless channel working as a shared medium makes available bandwidth per node even lower. So routing protocols should be bandwidth-efficient by expending a minimal overhead for computing routes so that much of the remaining bandwidth is available for the actual data communication.

Third, nodes run on batteries which have limited energy supply. In order for nodes to stay and communicate for longer periods, it is desirable that a routing protocol be energy-efficient as well. This also provides also another reason why overheads must be kept low. Thus, routing protocols must meet the conflicting goals of dynamic adaptation and low overhead to deliver good overall performance.

Types of Routing in MANETs



Proactive Routing

Location-Based Routing

On-Demand Routing

Related topic 

mobile ad hoc

ad hoc network

ad hoc routing

ad hoc network routing protocols

dynamic routing

bank routing


Minimizing file download time in stocastic peer to peer network - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


Minimizing file download time in stochastic peer to peer network

I am suggesting this topic for seminar because not a seminar topic but also its an project topic.
The minimizing file download time in peer to peer network is successfully executing we can serve more than one people at a time .
that is mean Now server can serve one people at a time .
Then after implementing this concept we can serve more than 10 client a a time.
Its same tike bitorrent.The server and client act both server and client.

The main objective of the system is used to minimize the file download time in a stochastic peer to peer network.
The peer to peer technology is heavilty used for content distribution applications.The early model for content distribution is centralized one.in which the service provider simply sets up a server and every user download files from it.In type of network architecture ,many users have to complete for limited resources in terms of bottleneck bandwidth or procesing power of a single server.As a result ,each user may recieve very poor performance.From a single user's perspective ,The duration of a downloadsession or the download time for that individual users is the most often used performance metric.P2P technology tries to solve of scalability by making the system distributed.Each computer(peer) in the network can act both server and client at the time.Whe nuber of clients are trying to access a fle the peers will give response to clients based on load balancing in the peer Its obivious that as time goes on the sevice capacity of the entire network will increase due to the increse in the number of servicing peers.With this increasing service capacity,Theoretical studies have shown that the average download time for each user in the network is much shoter than that of a centralized network architecture in ideal cases in other words ,users of a p2p network should enjoy much faster downloads.

You can try to implement... its not only a seminar topic but also a project topic

if you know more details about this topic .You can share with readers and increase your knowledge

Artificial intelligence research - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Artificial intelligence research

If every one know the what is mean by artificial intelligence.I will post a post on my blog .I will get huge response through email .For how to develop a artificial intelligence  robots.Then i will think to publish new article for beginners . I will worked with artificial intelligence .But i could not like to  publish company name  and personal details.

What is mean by artificial intelligence

I would not like explain definition .I will explain a simple example. We can solve a  mathematical problem.

 Ques: Find the sum of first hundred numbers

The Computer will not identify the values and anything .Here  possible only for spliting word and give values and formula to calculating values the human will be neccessary  to solve.

Here We can implement Artificial intelligence

The computer can be filter the terms and it will be choose the apropriate  key from question.Then it will be solve.

How to solve

Let me assign fixed keyword  like    find, sum,multiplication,addition,minus,.......etc

Then we can save the different formula ...  The formula will be assign with expansion .

Then Question will be insert for solving  program will be divided into multiple pieces and it will be fetch the keyword gallery and assign to variables . The matching formula can find and assign the property for each one.The we can easily solve.

I will think you will got small ideas about artificial intelligence.The efficient programmers will can do better  Artificial intelligence product .sorry i would like to change this word The efficient Thinkers can do better Artificial intelligence product.

Please send your comment

free seminar topics Artificial intelligence - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Artificial intelligence

 I know , You have better knowledge about  Artificial intelligence.The artificial intelliegence is also try to present seminar . But scope and application of  Artificial intelligence is very large .
Do you know to develope an artificial intelligence program ...? .If you can know any one programing language than you can able create artificial intelligence program .. Then how ....?

If you are  believe    Artificial intelligence programing for genies programmers only. Then you are wrong.Why i am saying. You can able to do program 

robots work

 artificial intelligence

 artificial intelligence


 Simple example :-   How to implement  on computer progaming

 We are doing project on text identifying.When  your enter a text or comment into the program.That program will execute time .The compiler will check the  " what can do when particular comment will comes" . then compiler will execute particular section .These like the robots are working

 The robots have developed by particular instraction .The particular command will came what will do .The robots will check the comment and it will be execute like switch  statement.

If you are thinking the post will contain foolish.I will not disagree.But  you will cross check again You can definitly get the proper logic .And visit again and post your comment


Artificial intelligence has been used in a wide range of fields including medical diagnosis, stock trading, robot control, law, scientific discovery and toys. However, many AI applications are not perceived as AI: A lot of cutting edge AI has filtered into general applications, often without being called AI because once something becomes useful enough and common enough it's not labeled AI anymore.Many thousands of AI applications are deeply embedded in the infrastructure of every industry. In the late 90s and early 21st century, AI technology became widely used as elements of larger systems, but the field is rarely credited for these successes.

Please share your ideas .You can better opportunity  for Proving Your intelligence .Please post your comment about this article

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Free seminar topic : Security in Mobile Database Systems - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Security in Mobile Database Systems

 You can use this topic for seminar .It will have wild range of scope

Abstract The importance of databases in modern businesses and governmental institutions is huge and still growing. Many mission-critical applications and business processes rely on databases. These databases contain data of different degree of importance and confidentiality, and are accessed by a wide variety of users. Integrity violations for a database can have serious impact on business processes; disclosure of confidential data in some cases has the same effect. Traditional database security provides techniques and strategies to handle such problems with respect to database servers in a non-mobile context.

For many businesses applications are going mobile that means using enterprise data in a mobile context, thus using a mobile DBMS. With these new developments the business data of an enterprise can be made available to an even larger number of users and a wider range of applications than before.

To work on business data anytime and anywhere is the major goal pursued by developing mobility support in database context. The confidentiality of mission- critical data must be ensured, even though most mobile devices do not provide a secure environment for storage of such data.
Security requirements that apply to a central company database should apply similarly and in an appropriate manner to the parts of the database replicated on mobile devices in the field. A mobile database security infrastructure is needed to accomplish this goal. When developing such an infrastructure we can benefit from the results of traditional database security work. But we also need to adapt the existing techniques and strategies to the mobile context, and we need to develop new ones that attack certain issues specific to use of database systems in a mobile environment.

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If You can know more data about the  "Security in Mobile Database Systems" .Then share your Ideas to world . Pleas post your ideas...


Free seminar topic : Captcha - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


If i suggest this topic for seminar Your really think ,i am a fool .Than i will ask you what  you know about captcha.

suppose you know ...

1)The captcha is only picture.The picture contain element  type than only enter to the secured webpage.
2)Its a human verification code.

free captcha pics

Ya,I will agree these points. How can use more advanced......

Example :

If you are owner of a website .That contain posting  comment .The comment will be publishing Through spam .Than you can increase the number of spam but you will not got good benefits.
You can try the captcha.your monthly bandwidth will be decrease the use of spam ..
we can use spam detection method .

If i will suggest Captcha will include  all the your own application but it will be also simple .The captcha  not only picture you can try with simple maths

5+2 =    , 4+9=   7+3=   8 +1= 

You can try with like this but it will be simple .another wise you will affect your traffic 

The possibilities of captcha is very strong ......


A CAPTCHA  is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. The process usually involves one computer (a server) asking a user to complete a simple test which the computer is able to generate and grade. Because other computers are supposedly unable to solve the CAPTCHA, any user entering a correct solution is presumed to be human. Thus, it is sometimes described as a reverse Turing test, because it is administered by a machine and targeted to a human, in contrast to the standard Turing test that is typically administered by a human and targeted to a machine. A common type of CAPTCHA requires the user to type letters or digits from a distorted image that appears on the screen.

Realated topic


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If you Have More ideas about captcha  then please post your ideas.....
How we can protect web security from spammers.............?  you can choose this topic for seminar


Free seminar topics : BitTorrent File sharing - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

BitTorrent File sharing

If ,I suggest this topic  when you will ask me what is the importance of the Bittorrent ? .The Bit Torrent is common to all the internet user ,Then .....why  you are provide this topic.....

   I am saying the BitTorrent system will importance concept in internet .The misuse of  BitTorrent will reduce the importance.The peer to peer file sharing.In my opinion We can use this method to share the data on local network or internet.When one system act both client and server. So i will refer the project topic .......

Free seminar topics : BitTorrent File sharing

BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol used for distributing large amounts of data.[vague] BitTorrent is one of the most common protocols for transferring large files, and it has been estimated that it accounted for roughly 27% to 55% of all Internet traffic (depending on geographical location) as of February 2009.

Programmer Bram Cohen designed the protocol in April 2001 and released a first implementation on July 2, 2001.It is now maintained by Cohen's company BitTorrent, Inc. There are numerous BitTorrent clients available for a variety of computing platforms.

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Do you think My post good or bad ? If bad ,Than how will be modify my post...?

If you have More ideas than post your ideas about Bittorrent. If share your knowledge than it will be increase  please post your ideas ..................


Free Seminar topics : Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML) - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science


Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML)

The VRML became an open standard by ISO in 1997 (ISO/ IEC DIS 14772-1).Its establishment as an open  as an open standard for the transfer of data over the internet explores an opportunity to build multi-user ,distributed virtual worlds for the use on a world wise scale and its free  to platform-dependency and operating system constriants leads it to a greater height.VRML ,sometimes pronounced vermal ,is an acronym of Virtual reality Modelling language ,is a scene descriptive language.The two most using terms virtual and reality can be expressed as following....

Virtual :  "being an essence or effect though not formally recognized or admitted"

Reality :  "A real event ,entity or state of actions "

We many combine them and said that virtual reality is an event or entity that is real in effect but not in fact.VRML file supports pain UTF-8 (universal character Set Transformation Format) or ASCII text file. The advantages are that this type of format understands not only english but also others .Its simply  a 3-D interchange format .  VRML ruled over java 3D and MPEG-4  because of its following features :


       VRML's most attractive features is its flexibility.

Scripting capability

It is possible to allow for interactivity and complex behaviour through  java scripting or vrmlScrpting .

Network capability

Shared and distributed virtual environment is porvided by th authority so that its gathers all end-users under a single umberala.


  Created through an appropriate use of background ,animation ,textures ,lighting as well as different level of Details (LOD).

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Seminar topics for students Face Recognition Grand Challenge - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Face recognition systems


The primary goal of the FRGC was to promote and advance face recognition technology designed to support existing face recognition efforts in the U.S. Government. FRGC developed new face recognition techniques and prototype systems while increasing performance by an order of magnitude. The FRGC was open to face recognition researchers and developers in companies, academia, and research institutions. FRGC ran from May 2004 to March 2006.

The FRGC consisted of progressively difficult challenge problems. Each challenge problem consisted of a data set of facial images and a defined set of experiments. One of the impediments to developing improved face recognition is the lack of data. The FRGC challenge problems include sufficient data to overcome this impediment. The set of defined experiments assists researchers and developers in making progress on meeting the new performance goals.

There are three main contenders for improving face recognition algorithms: high resolution images, three-dimensional (3D) face recognition, and new preprocessing techniques. The FRGC is simultaneously pursuing and will assess the merit of all three techniques. Current face recognition systems are designed to work on relatively small still facial images. The traditional method for measuring the size of a face is the number of pixels between the centers of the eyes. In current images there are 40 to 60 pixels between the centers of the eyes (10,000 to 20,000 pixels on the face). In the FRGC, high resolution images consist of facial images with 250 pixels between the centers of the eyes on average. The FRGC will facilitate the development of new algorithms that take advantage of the additional information inherent in high resolution images.

Three-dimensional (3D) face recognition algorithms identify faces from the 3D shape of a person's face. In current face recognition systems, changes in lighting (illumination) and pose of the face reduce performance. Because the shape of faces is not affected by changes in lighting or pose, 3D face recognition has the potential to improve performance under these conditions.

In the last couple years there have been advances in computer graphics and computer vision on modeling lighting and pose changes in facial imagery. These advances have led to the development of new computer algorithms that can automatically correct for lighting and pose changes in facial imagery. These new algorithms work by preprocessing a facial image to correct for lighting and pose prior to being processed through a face recognition system. The preprocessing portion of the FRGC will measure the impact of new preprocessing algorithms on recognition performance.

The FRGC improved the capabilities of automatic face recognition systems through experimentation with clearly stated goals and challenge problems. Researchers and developers can develop new algorithms and systems that meet the FRGC goals. The development of the new algorithms and systems is facilitated by the FRGC challenge problems.

What is your opinion about this seminar topic ? Do you  like it..... You can express ideas about this topic ....................

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Seminar title Ubiquitous Networking - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Ubiquitous Networking


As many new types of devices will be connected to networks in the future, we expect that IPv6 will play a key role in object-to-object communications and also militate against address exhaustion of IPv4. Therefore, it is very important to provide ubiquitous networking capabilities using IPv6. This paper presents several issues for standardization in the support ubiquitous networking capabilities in IPv6- based next generation networks (NGN). These issues are relevant to the future activities of ITU-T's Study Group (SG) 13. We also discuss some basic concepts and present our vision related to this topic. In addition, we clearly identify the importance and key advantages of IPv6 in the ubiquitous networking environment. For developing the relevant standards to further enhance the current NGN, we propose new study items which include object identification, functional architecture, services, and strategies. ieee also provide additional considerations for standardization.

What is your opinion about this seminar topic ? Ubiquitous Networking is have more range data.
if you can observe our negative point .You can express ideas about this topic .......
please commented here ....................

For more Information

ubiquitous computing



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free seminar title VoiceXML and abstract - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science



VoiceXML (VXML) is the W3C's standard XML format for specifying interactive voice dialogues between a human and a computer. It allows voice applications to be developed and deployed in an analogous way to HTML for visual applications. Just as HTML documents are interpreted by a visual web browser, VoiceXML documents are interpreted by a voice browser. A common architecture is to deploy banks of voice browsers attached to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to allow users to interact with voice applications over the telephone.

Voicexml is good seminar topic.If you know more about this topic you can post to
the blog

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seminartitle Video compression - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

seminar topic

                         Video compression


Video compression refers to reducing the quantity of data used to represent digital video images, and is a combination of spatial image compression and temporal motion compensation. Video compression is an example of the concept of source coding in Information theory. This article deals with its applications: compressed video can effectively reduce the bandwidth required to transmit video via terrestrial broadcast, via cable TV, or via satellite TV services

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Agent Based Systems and Applications - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Agent Based Systems and Applications


Agents (adaptive or intelligent agents and multi-agent systems) constitute one of the most prominent and attractive technologies in Computer Science at the beginning of this new century. Agent and multi-agent system technologies, methods, and theories are currently contributing to many diverse domains. These include information retrieval, user interface design, robotics, electronic commerce, computer mediated collaboration, computer games, education and training, smart environments, ubiquitous computers, and social simulation.

An agent is a computer system that is situated in some environment, and that is capable of autonomous action in this environment in order to meet its design objectives. Multi-agent systems are systems composed of multiple interacting agents.

Some application domains where agent technologies will play a crucial role include:

    * Ambient Intelligence, the seamless delivery of ubiquitous computing, continuous communications and intelligent user interfaces to consumer and industrial devices;
    * Grid Computing, where multi-agent system approaches will enable efficient use of the resources of high-performance computing infrastructure in science, engineering, medical and commercial applications;
    * Electronic Business, where agent-based approaches are already supporting the automation and semi-automation of information-gathering activities and purchase transactions over the Internet;
    * Semantic Web, where agents are needed both to provide services, and to make best use of the resources available, often in cooperation with others;
    * Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, where intelligent agents may support the coherent exploration of data revolution occurring in biology;

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Expert Systems and decision making - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Expert Systems and decision making


One of the most successful applications of artificial intelligence reasoning techniques using facts and rules has been in building expert systems that embody knowledge about a specialized field of human endeavour, such as medicine, engineering, or business.
Knowledge Base and the Inference Engine are two major parts of the expert system. The knowledge base consists of facts and rules about the subject at hand. The inference engine consists of all processes that manipulate the knowledge base to deduce information requested by the user.

Knowledge acquisition is a crucial stage in the development of expert systems. As a process, it involves eliciting, interpreting and representing the knowledge from a given domain. Knowledge acquisition for expert systems (from domain experts) is time consuming, expensive and potentially unreliable.

In the construction of an expert system, a ‘knowledge engineer’ (usually a computer scientist with artificial intelligence training) works with an expert (or experts) in the field of application in order. to represent the relevant knowledge of the expert in a form that can be entered into the knowledge base. This process is often aided by a knowledge acquisition subsystem that, among other things, checks the growing knowledge base for possible inconsistencies and incomplete information. These are then presented to the expert for resolution.

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Trends In The Mobile Computing Market - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Trends In The Mobile Computing Market

In the world of mobile computing, there always seems to be some new advance that is making mobile devices even more amazing than before. Most of these updates and changes come from trends that manufacturers see within the marketplace. Within the past year or so, there have been a few common trends that manufacturers have taken to heart and have been feverishly working to improve upon.

We can start taking a look at these trends by looking at the apps craze. Apps are basically an essential for any mobile device these days. Apps allow the consumer to not only totally personalize their mobile computing experience, but also because each app seems to have its own way of working with the device to create a truly superior mobile experience. From discount calculators to mini-versions of your favorite arcade games, there is an app for everyone!

Improving Apps - Speaking of apps, many of them-games in particular-seem to be nothing more than shrunken versions of their old selves. This is because some apps have been reformatted from an older PC state to fit within the confines of mobile computing devices. There have been many consumer complaints that all future apps should be designed with the smaller mobile interfaces in mind rather than simply downgrading them from older versions built for a PC environment.

Lastly, the concept of always knowing where someone is has caused a few eyebrows to raise. With GPD technology, mobile computing devices allow others to see where you are at any given moment. While most devices allow you to turn such features off, there are still security concerns. While these features certainly enhance the social networking apps for the devices, it still raises alarm in some consumers.

While trends in mobile computing tend to come and go, these are a few that have remained the same for as long as mobile computing has been around. While it would be impossible to please all consumers all the time, the manufacturers behind most mobile technologies are certainly trying their best.

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Embedded Auditors for Intrusion Detection - seminar topics,it seminar topics,latest seminar topics,seminar topics on computer science

Embedded Auditors for Intrusion Detection



A basic cornerstone of security is to verify the integrity of fundamental data stored in the system.
This integrity checking is being achieved using integrity tools such Tripwire, which depend on the integrity and proper operation of the operating system, i.e. these applications assume that the operating system always operates correctly. When this assumption is not valid, the integrity applications cannot provide a reliable result, and consequently may provide a false negative. Once the operating system is compromised, a novice attacker, using tools widely available on the Internet (rootshell.com, etc), could easily defeat integrity tools that rely on the operating system.
A novel way to overcome this traditional integrity problem is to use an independent auditor. The independent auditor uses an out-of-band verification process that does not depend on the underlying operating system. The resultant system provides extremely strong integrity guarantees, detecting modifications to approved objects as well as detecting the existence of unapproved and thus unsigned objects. This is accomplished without any modifications to the host operating system. StrongARM EBSA-285 Evaluation Board, with a SA-110 microprocessor and 21285 core logic can be used as auditors.

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